Windows 11 is adding a ‘Share’ button to the Start menu and Taskbar

Microsoft wants you to share content/items more frequently, so it’s now adding the “Share” button everywhere, including the Start menu and even the taskbar.
Windows 11’s Share UI is a built-in feature that lets you quickly share content from apps or files.

Source: BleepingComputer
When you use the Share button, a panel appears showing options to share via email, nearby devices, or installed apps like X. Share in Windows 11 is designed to make sharing files, links, or text easier and more streamlined.
However, not all apps have the Share button, and Microsoft wants to fix this. As part of its efforts to help you share more content, Microsoft recently added the Share button to Windows Search results.
The same feature is now coming to the Start menu and taskbar.

Source: BleepingComputer
According to Microsoft watcher Phantom, you’ll be able to right-click apps in the Start menu to share files with your friends or family.
Microsoft is also testing the “Share” button on the taskbar.

Source: BleepingComputer
This means you can soon right-click items pinned to the taskbar and click “share” to quickly share recently accessed files from the taskbar.
It’s a neat change, but Microsoft is still testing it in the preview builds, so we don’t know when it will begin rolling out to everyone.
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